What is the Expo-series?
Colorfull Exposed-aggregate finishes can be easily built into concrete through the innovative way of application. The system enables the pleasing decorative finishes to be textured without any skilled craftsmen and special expertise.
Expo series Products are key materials for the system.
Expo-Series have two types of products such as Expo-sheet,Expo-net.
For newly built walls:
Expo-sheet can be fixed to inside wall of forms by using double-faced tapes. Concrete should be poured in and cured till it reaches the strength enought to be demolded. After demolded, adhesive sheet can be easily peeled off hardened concrete walls leaving aggregates in the surface layer.
For rehabilitation of exising walls:
Aggregates seeded on Expo-sheet should be embeded in mortar plastered over existing walls by pressing or giving vibration. After mortar hardening, adhesive sheet can be sasily peeled off leaving aggregates in the mortar.
decorative structure section:
Aggregates are firmly emebedded in the concrete to the depth of 1/2-2/3 of the average gravel size. This embedment can eliminate aggregates dislodgement from hardenel concrete.